Our People offer leadership, diverse skills, experience and knowledge.
Wayne Kassian, M.Sc., F. CPCI, P.Eng. - Principal
Wayne provides over 38 years of diverse structural analysis and design experience of various structures throughout Alberta and across North America.
Wayne has extensive knowledge about concrete, and provides leadership to the firm with a focus on client service and successful project delivery. He is a member of the Technical Committee for Reinforced Concrete and Precast Design CSA A23.3 (Canada’s Concrete Design Code for Buildings) and is active in the U.S. and Canadian Precast Concrete Institutes. Wayne is a member of the CSA Technical Committee for CSA A23.4 Precast Concrete – Materials and Construction, and is a member of the PCI Technical Activities Council. Wayne is one of Canada’s delegates for the Canadian national group of fib (International Federation for Structural Concrete), and is a member of fib’s General Assembly. Wayne also participates with the Canadian Precast Concrete Quality Assurance Certification Program (CPCQA), auditing precast concrete manufacturers for compliance to quality standards.
Kevin provides leadership and direction to the BIM/VDC Department, and serves in a lead role managing major BIM and VDC projects. Our clients recognize him for his technical expertise, project knowledge and commitment to service.
Kevin has extensive experience utilizing 3D BIM on a variety of noteworthy projects, including the utilization of digital data to assist fabricators and site construction using VDC technology.
Kevin Friesen, C.E.T. - Partner
Adrian Law, C.E.T. - Associate
Adrian provides significant precast technical knowledge, project management and leadership to meet the demands of the ever-changing, fast paced precast manufacturing industry. He has more than 29 years of experience with precast concrete projects across Canada and the United States, including multi-story precast structures, parking garages, stadiums, architectural cladding, wall panels, bridges and specialty precast projects.
Adrian enjoys working collaboratively with our clients in a team environment and clients value Adrian’s knowledge, experience, and desire to achieve successful results.
Mohamed Gaafar, M. Sc., P.Eng. - Associate
Mohamed provides over 15 years of experience designing precast concrete, industrial and commercial projects. His design experience includes numerous precast parking garages, precast concrete underground vaults, heavy industrial and civil structures, towers, steel bin structures, conveyor structures, pipe racks and industrial equipment foundations. Mohamed has experience with dynamic analysis, vibration control as well as blast resistant design.
Mohamed’s diverse experience and highly skilled technical ability supports our firm’s objective of developing unique and cost effective structural solutions to our projects.
Modesto Orizzonte, P.Eng. - Associate
Modesto provides over 13 years of structural engineering and BIM modelling experience, including noteworthy multi-storey precast concrete structures in California. Modesto provides senior level expertise and mentorship, leading project teams to create solutions to our client’s visions.
Modesto is knowledgeable with implementing BIM tools to overcome unique and logistical challenges and utilizing BIM technology to make our client’s projects successful.
William Lim, M.Eng, P.Eng. - Associate
With over 18 years in the industry, William has worked on projects throughout Canada and the United States ranging from total precast concrete buildings to institutional and heavy industrial facilities. William has extensive experience with precast and prestressed concrete design, and also has widespread experience with structural steel and cast-in-place concrete design and construction.
Clients value William’s attention to detail and his insightful ideas that benefit our client’s projects.